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Delhi likely to record 10,000 cases today; Jain issues statement

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Nagpur: Delhi health minister Satyendar Jain on Wednesday said that Delhi is likely to report around 10,000 new Covid-19 cases. He further added that the number of people testing positive for every 100 tests- is expected to surge to almost 10 per cent.

The positivity rate on Tuesday shot up to 8.3 per cent, from 6.46 per cent on Monday. Jain further added that the third wave of Covid-19 has been set in India but for Delhi it is the fifth wave. The health minister said that although the symptoms of the newly-discovered Omicron variant seem to be mild, all Covid-19 related protocols must be adhered to.

While addressing the media, he said 40 per cent beds in the private hospitals have been reserved to ensure that the health system of the national capital is not ‘overwhelmed’ by the surge in cases. “Only 300-400 samples from Delhi are being sent for genome sequencing as of now as sequencing of all samples is not possible,” Jain said in a statement.

Delhi on Tuesday imposed a weekend curfew and work from home has been assigned for all the government offices due to a surge in Covid-19 cases. Under the new guidelines private offices can operate only with 50 per cent capacity.

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On Tuesday, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal tested positive for Covid-19. He said, “I have tested positive for Covid. Mild symptoms. Have isolated myself at home,” tweeted Kejriwal.



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