The teacher shortage in the Netherlands is forcing more and more schools to opt for a four-day school week, De Telegraaf reported based on figures from the association of school leaders AVS.
About the AVS
The General Association of School Leaders (AVS) is the professional organization of and for managers in primary, secondary and special education in the Netherlands.

The AVS inspires, professionalisms and represents school directors through AVS Network, AVS Academy and AVS Trade Union.
More than 4000 (deputy) directors, location leaders, middle managers, senior school managers and administrators are already members of the association.
Members of the AVS receive the magazine KADER every month and benefit from many member benefits.
Such as an expert helpdesk for free advice (and referral to lawyers if necessary), a discount on the AVS Congress, training for your professional development, peer support in a national network and a voice through polls, committees and the Council of Members.
In addition, members also receive substantial discounts on AVS publications, training courses, educational trips abroad and products and services from AVS Voordeelpartners.
More and more schools are forced to consider a four-day school
week due to the teacher shortage.
De Telegraaf reports this on the basis of preliminary results of a poll by the General Association of School Leaders (AVS).
The AVS surveyed a thousand of the 6,700 primary schools in the country. It found that one in five school principals is considering introducing a four-day school week.
By law, schools are not allowed to teach for four days. The Inspectorate and the Ministry of Education ensure that full-time teaching is provided at all schools.